
Fishing Reports


7/12/24  The flows on the lower river are around 240 cfs. The lower river is fishing mostly with nymphs.  We are still seeing lots of adult mayflies and small stoneflly adults on the Conejos on the upper river. We are seeing lots of bugs above the south flork all the way up to Platoro. The Green Drakes are just begining to hatch in the meadows below platoro. All the upper small streams are fishing well.





6/30/24 Lower River ~350cfs. We are seeing all sorts of bugs hatching on the river. Grey Drakes, PMD's BWO's, Caddis, and  smaller stones and a few bigs stones as you work you way upstream toward Conejos Campground. We have had lots of luck with adult grey drakes and emergers. We are also fishing dry dropper rigs with bigger stimmi's with mayfly droppers from drakes to baetis. We have all the flies you will need in the shop. All the drainage is fishing well with the lower release from the dam, ~120 cfs. We will start to see more drys higher up but we have been mostly nymphing. Fish the smaller worm and mayfly nymphs. 







6/25/24 lower RIver ~800 cfs. The river is starting to come down from the heavy rains last week. Bugs are going wild right now. With the higher flows, the fish don't all seem to be looking up but nymphing is still working great. Drakes are starting up and stoneflies are still out there so do not hesitate to throw a dry dropper rig with either a stonefly or mayfly pattern. Mayfly nymphs (grey, brown, green) have been the ticket. 






6/18/24 Lower River ~ 580 cfs. We are seeing the streams flows drop rapidly. The fishing has been a little tough with the quickly dropping flows however it adjust quickly. The river has started to come alive with adult stoneflies and mayflies. We are fishing large chubbys and stimulators and using both mayfly and stonefly droppers. We have started to see lots of caddis and a few grey drakes. I think the river should start fishing much better with all the adults we are seeing.


6/18/24 Upper River ~ 195 cfs. The Upper river is fishing as it is normally with annelid and mayfly nymphs, also seeing fish rising to the surface l;ate in the day. We should start seeing the surface action improve over the next couple days.


6/17/24 Bode- I fished the lower Conejos during the morning, fishing with stones and mayfly nymphs. Catching fish on the surface, but mostly on the stone.



6/8/24  Lower River ~ 1350 cfs-Micah and I hit the lower river around Asen Glade Campground this morning from 9 to 1 pm and hooked around 20 fish. The fish early only ate dark stonefly nymphs. But around 10:30 we started catching a few on the worm and the longer we went the more the worm produced. The worm must be fished very close to the bank .  Happy fishing! Pat



6/7/24 Lower RIver:~1300. We are still seeing high runoff and the flows should slowly start to taper off over the next couple weeks. We are still nymphing mainly with stoneflys and baetis. Worms are working a little.  The good news is we saw a few Salmonfly adults this morning down here by the shop so we should start to see a few fish looking up. 

Below Platoro: ~550cfs. The flow has been up and down and 550 is going to be a little tough. I expect to see this lowered some again over the next week. Mostly midges, baetis and worm patterns. We have seen a few fish looking up late in the day.




Lower River: ~1200cfs. Runoff is here! Don't let the high water keep you at home though, we have still been producing fish on private and public water. The river has been on the rise and that means worms are getting flushed in the river and stoneflies and mayflies are getting pushed around as well. We have started to get warmer temps bringing on midge hatches also. Nymphing is the way to go this time of year. Worm patters, big stoneflies, various colors of mayfly patterns, and various colors of perdigons have been producing fish. Try a beadhead pats rubberleg with a phesant tail and that should do the trick. Stick to fishing the edges and any slower moving riffles, they fish should be looking for structure or the edges. 

Below Platoro: ~480cfs. This is a high flow for the release into the meadows. We typically shy away at those kinds of flows. But stay tuned in with the reports on flows because if it gets around 300cfs the fishing should be good. Worm patterns and drake nymphs should get fish to eat. This also means flows through the pocket water will be high, but fishing along the lower river should stay decent through runoff. 

Come by the shop and get some more information and bugs or call at 719-376-5660 because with this river, things can change on the daily. 









Lower River: ~150cfs. The lower river has been dropping but holding around 100cfs with scattered storms bringing the flows up slightly. We have been seeing fish rise in the riffles and longer runs throughout the day especially in the afternoons. They seem to be keying in on small BWOs and midges on top. Try throwing an extended body BWO and trailing some sort of emerger behind it. Other than that, dry droppers with a small stimulator, hopper or mayfly on top and dropping a small baetis or midge nymph (size 16-20) has been the ticket. This time of year we typically start throwing the stonefly below the surface as well, if you arent seeing action, nymphing a pats rubber legs can sometimes produce.  

Below Platoro: 56cfs. As we get later in the season and the water level drops, the meadows will be slick with algae growth on the rocks. We find that dry fly fishing can be good some days using caddis or small mayfly dries. The pocket water will be much more productive during the fall. Try throwing a hopper dropper rig in those deeper plunge pools. We have been seeing success with chubbys, stimulators, parachute adams, and various attractor dries. Below the surface, perdigon style nymphs, hare's ears, rainbow warriors and other attractor style nymphs have been doing well. 

Stop by and have us fix you up on the bugs that are working! 719-376-5660





Lower River: Flows are currently around 200cfs but fluctuating with the release changes from Platoro. Higher water temps and warmer days have the fish sitting in deeper runs or quicker more oxygenated water. In terms of bigger flies, we have seen success throwing hoppers and golden stones. Other than that the fish are keying in to the smaller bugs. Baetis, midges, PMDs, and small caddis have been the ticket lately. Our suggestion is to run a hopper dropper rig throughout the river and nymphing the deeper pools and smaller flies, like midges and baetis nymphs.

Below Platoro: 75 cfs but bound to change. Fluctuations from the dam have made the meadows hit or miss. Generally a bump in flows will be good, and the fish will be happy eating annelids flushed from the dam. Dry fly fishing has been good with smaller BWOs, PMDs, caddis or yellow sallies. If the fish aren't eating on top, try throwing an olive hare's ear followed by a red annelid. The pocket water sections from the Lake Fork Camprgound to the confluence of the South Fork has been fishing well with a dry dropper rig. 


Check water temps in the afternoons. 67 degrees is to hot to be fishing. 

Changes to expect in September: Cooler temperatures, weather and water-wise should keep the fishing days longer and more productive. 




Lower River: Flows are around 220cfs. The fishing has been decent lately especially in the mornings and slowing down in the afternoons. Hopper season is near! We are also seeing BWOs, tricos, midges, and caddis. Dry dropper rigs have been successful lately with a hopper or attractor pattern on top and a smaller (16-20) size nymph below the surface. If the fish are actively feeding on top, try throwing smaller sized dry flies like a BWO, Adams, caddis or tricos size (16-20). Be aware of hotter water temps in the late afternoons and early evenings. 

Below Platoro: Around 150cfs. The meadows has been fishing fishing ok. We have still been seeing a few green drakes lately however caddis, BWOs, and midges are the main hatches right now. As always, nymphing smaller mayflies with a red annelid is the most consistent way to produce fish. If you see them eating on the surface try throwing some of those small dry flies to match the hatch. Some fish have been taking the hopper especially up next to the banks. If the flows continue to drop and stay below 150cfs we can start to look at fishing some of the pocket water. Dry dropper rigs will be the go to set up through here with attractor style dries and nymphs. 


Swing by the shop for the most up to date fishing reports and word on bugs. Booking a guide trip is a great way to learn the river and get your fishing trip started off right. 







Lower River: The flows near Mogote are currently around 260 cfs. The river has still been fishing well and is buggy. Be aware of hot water temps later in the afternoon. Dry droppers have been the ticket lately. We have been fishing a variety of dry flies including grey drakes, mahoganies, BWOs, PMDs, caddis and hoppers. Below the surface try a golden stonefly, perdigon style nymph, midge, baetis or some other small mayfly nymph imitation. The fish have been gorging lately in the mornings and slowing down in the afternoons. 

Below Platoro: 168cfs. The fishing in the meadows has been good lately with the lower flows released from the dam. Look for hatches of green drakes, BWOs, yellow sallies and midges throughout the day. The dry fly fishing in the meadows has been good as these fish are actively feeding during the hatches. If you aren't seeing fish rise, try nymphing a tandem rig with a drake or baetis followed by an annelid. 



07/14/23 Fishing Report


Lower River: Currently the river is around 550cfs. This is a very healthy flow for the Conejos River and the bugs are hatching. We have been seeing a lot of gray drakes and smaller mayflies throuhgout the day along with small stoneflies and BWOs. The caddis hatch has been fishing well in the evenings. The fish have been rising throuhgout the day and seem to be gorging themselves during the hatches. If you can catch the fish during this time it's going to be lights out. Try matching your dry fly to what you see around you and dropping an emerger style fly beneath it. 


Below Platoro Dam: As of today the discharge from below Platoro Reservoir is 410cfs. This is still a lot of water for the meadows and canyon section (Pinnacles) of the Conejos River. In the meadows, nymphing green drakes like a prince nymph, olive hares ear or green copper john with a worm or annelid pattern trailing behind it will be the best bet. Weight is your friend, make sure those flies are getting down to the fish. The steeper pocket water sections of the Conejos below the meadows to the confluence of the south fork is going to be extremely difficult to fish at this current flow. 


The creeks are finally starting to shape up!


Give us a call of stop in the shop and we can help with fly suggestions and places to try. Guide trips are also a great way to learn the river and see some action. 




07/04/23 Fishing Report


Lower River: The bugs are hatching and the flows are in good shape to for fishing the lower end of the Conejos. We have been seeing a variety of stoneflies hatching throughout the day with some pteronarcys still flying around. BWOs and caddis have been hatching and happy fish can be seen rising in some of the slower riffle sections of the river. Gray drakes are prolific right now and fish are eating both adults on top and a variety of mayfly nymphs below the surface. It's a good idea to nymph a stonefly or mayfly nymph until you see these fish start to rise.  


Upper River:

Increased flows from below Platoro Reservoir have made the upper portion of the Conejos pretty difficult. The pocket water is going to be unfishable for awhile unless something drastic happens. Fishing the meadows would be your best bet for up high just below the dam. Our suggestion up here would be nymphing a variety of worm and large mayfly nymphs, but expect the flows to remain high up.



The Pinos can be a good alternative to fishing the Conejos right now if big flows worry you. However, expect crowds over here right now and perhaps some more technical fishing as a lot of people have been hammering it. Smaller mayflies, caddis, golden stones and the occasional hopper have been producing fish on top. Below the surface try fishing a prince, caddis nymphs, midges larvae or pheasant tails. 


We would love to get you going in the right direction. Swing by the shop for the most up to date fishing report and advice on flies. Booking a guide trip is also a great way to learn the Conejos or perhaps some other water in the drainage. 719-376-5660





6/26/23 Fishing Report


Lower River: The flows are still running a little high, 1100 cfs, but will continue to drop and the wading conditions will slowly improve. We are now seeing adult salmon flies, grey drakes, caddis and some smaller stones. They are slowly working it way upstream from the lower campgrounds. We are still nymphing some with patty's, gray drake and baetis. Now is the time to get out and fish the big bugs.  


Upper river: The flow from Platoro is around 500 cfs and is going to remain high keeping all the upper river big. The meadows should fish ok and the flows will eventually drop a little before we start seeing adult mayflies. We are still nymphing with the annelids and mayfly nymphs from baetis to drakes. Weight is your friend up in the meadows, make sure those flies are getting down to the fish.


The flows of Elk Creek as getting just about right and the wading and fish should just improve over the next month. The Los Pinos is in shape so now is the time to fish. 


Stop by in the shop for the most up to date fishing report and advice on flies. Booking a guide trip is a great way to learn this river and find our where to go to catch fish. Call us 719-376-5660





6/14/23 fishing report


Lower River:

The Conejos is staying high but running clear throughout most of the drainage. The flow increase from below Platoro Reservoir has kept the river up. Fish are happy and eating a variety of bugs below the surface. Stoneflies and larger mayfly nymphs have been producing the majority of fish, along with worms after some rain. Streamers have been doing well all day. Focus on finding some of the flatter stretches of the river and there will be a lot more fishable water. 


Below Platoro:

The flows below Platoro Reservoir have been increasing lately but we would not consider them high just yet. We expect the flows from the tailwater to continue to increase with the agricultural demand for water. Higher flows in the meadows can be very productive as these fish become less spooky and gorge themselves on the bugs the higher water brings. Fishing nymphs will probably be the best strategy for now throughout this stretch of river. 


The best time to fish is when you can! Swing by the shop and get geared up with the right bugs, fish are there to be caught. 





5/25/23 fishing report


Lower River:

The river is high but seems to be on the tail end of runoff and there is still a good amount of snow left up high. We can hopefully expect good flows throughout the year. The lower river has been fishing well near the edges on the soft water. Avoid places where the river has a steeper gradient to it and find the flatter stretches of the river to be able to fish those soft edges. Nymphing a variety of those run off fly patterns have been doing well and do be afraid to up size your tippet to 3x. If you aren't getting caught up on sticks occasionally you probably aren't deep enough. Streamer fishing can be very successful this time of year targeting the same sort of water. We usually go big or go home when throwing streamers in the spring so leave the wooly buggers in the car and try your favorite aticulated streamer. We have plenty in the shop that have been producing fish. 


Below Platoro:

The flows out of Platoro have been down recently and make the Meadows section all the way down to the Lake Fork really accessible and fishable right now. As long as the flow below Platoro Dam stays low, expect hatches of BWOs and midges as well as some rising trout throughout the day. Nymphing annelids, midges, smaller mayfly patterns and emergers has also been really successful in the meadows lately. Downstream towards the Lake Fork, the pocket water is fishable. Try fishing a dry=dropper rig through here with an attractor pattern on top and some sort of mayfly nymph below.


Stop in the shop or give us a call for the most up to date report and fly recommendations. Booking a guide trip can be a great way to learn how to tackle this river.